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Our Capabilities - Advertising

Ogilvy crea una publicidad omnipresente tanto en el mundo digital como en el mundo físico estando en sintonía el uno con el otro. Nuestro historial de excelencia creativa nos empuja a seguir contando historias que emocionalmente impacten en las audiencias y que superan los límites culturales pasando a ser la corriente principal.

Los avances tecnológicos han cambiado la publicidad, pero esto no significa que sea un mero mecanismo de entrega. Como el mensaje llega al consumidor es importante - de hecho en el entorno digital actual es crucial. Pero si se ofrece al consumidor algo que carece de contexto emocional, algo que se ha desarrollado y creado sin saber cómo se comportan, reaccionan y piensan los consumidores, no importará la perfección con la que se haya integrado en su experiencia digital.

Aunque consigamos un gran logro tecnológico, se perderá entre las miles de otras interacciones que el consumidor tiene a lo largo del día. Porque lo que se mantiene es lo que le importa: lo que le mueve, lo que le inspira, lo que le lleva a actuar.

  • Creative Briefing

    Great advertising moves us. Great advertising is unique. Great advertising is memorable. It can’t be any of these things if the brief is off. Our creatives and strategists work in tandem to make sure that any creative output is rooted in ambition, in truths about the brand and and customer, and is aimed at the correct audience. How a piece of work ultimately works with the audience doesn’t always have to be a surprise—it can be the expected result of joining rigorous strategy with unmatched creativity.

  • Creative Idea Expression

    You can have a great idea, but big ideas can’t be catalyzed in a silo. We bring together experts from different backgrounds and perspectives to inspire high levels of creative performance to eventually inspire unique and groundbreaking ideas. Not every idea—even a good one—will be perfectly on-brand, so our clear guidelines and frameworks offer strategic, executional, and idea level feedback to ensure that no idea veers too far off course.

  • Creative Execution

    Countless great ideas have died because of shoddy execution. Our execution step is the final one in an integrated, meticulous process that ensures that the brand remains the focal point right up until the end. Our creative experts take time to articulate the brand visually, tonally, giving it a personality and palette that will be authentic with the audience. And to ensure that the brand is set up for global relevance and long-term staying power, we craft a playbook that establishes critical guidelines for how the brand should be presented across channels and geographies moving forward.

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