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The Right Start Johnson & Johnson

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Our creative concept was encapsulated by the campaign message: providing the right start for newborn babies. This aligned perfectly with Johnson’s Baby’s own purpose: to create a world where every baby thrives. Marrying the two, the campaign helped ensure newborns were not immediately disadvantaged by a lack of a birth certificate, extending the care Johnson’s Baby provides through its products to a broader purpose. Supporting the concept, we registered the campaign launch date, October 08, as International Birth Registration Day, creating a lasting legacy of awareness. For creative assets, we travelled to two continents and shot a series of beautiful, cinematic films that told raw and honest stories of families affected by unregistered births. Building interest before launch, we also devised a teaser campaign that saw influencers share numbers denoting their birth date and nothing more, creating an air of mystery and speculative chatter before the campaign reveal.


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  • Dubai
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